Sunday, February 6, 2011

do you can change your eye color completely. Usually they are made of patterns of solid color lenses. If you have dark eyes, you'll need this type of color contact lens to change your eye color. Color contacts come in a wide variety of colors, including hazel, green, blue, violet, amethyst and gray.

Left: The "gemstone green" color in FreshLook ColorBlends' new VibrantViews collection, meant to be more noticeable than other ColorBlends colors. Right: All ColorBlends lenses use three separate dot patterns, combined onto one lens, for natural-looking colors.

The companies that make colored contact lenses have gone all out to mimic the natural look of the colored portion of the eye, called the iris. Since this area is made up of colorful shapes and lines, some color contacts feature a series of tiny colored dots on the lens to make them look more natural on the eye.

For a two-and-a-half-year period the government classified plano decorative contact lenses as cosmetic devices rather than medical devices. But the FDA issued a consumer alert regarding such lenses, saying that they "present significant risks of blindness and other eye injury if they are distributed without a prescription or without proper fitting by a qualified eye care professional."more information click here color lenses.

Monday, January 31, 2011

colour lenses

color lenses makes man smart its frame free so its easy to use every man if any person want smart eye that means color full eye then every smart and fashionable man should use lenses card company's contact lenses
because its lowest price but better things  so we use color lenses in this company

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NeuBux (PTC)

Working on PTC sites requires to work only in trusted PTC sites , which users have already tested, which always pays out what you have earned and have respect for their users. i have been working in many of those sites, more then 70%have been scam PTC sites, which has literally stolen what I have invested in in buying Premium accounts and referrals and the worst, have done this to everyone else who has done the same, so there is the list some of the mist trusted PTC sites and remember to check back, as this list will increase in the long run